Design of a Three-phase Reference Sine Wave Signal Generator Based on DSP Digital Oscillator Distinguish tri-port sinusoidal oscillator phasic balance by reactance line 基于DSP数字振荡器的三相基准正弦信号发生器设计基于电抗性质线判定三点式正弦波振荡器的相位平衡
A Novel Reference Wave Generating Algorithm Based on Characteristic Vector Extracted for DVR 基于基波特征量提取的DVR参考电压波形生成算法
Different from conventional CGHs, the pure-phase information on the hologram plane is loaded on the SLM to reconstruct the3D diffusive objects without considering the reference wave. 与传统的计算全息图不同,该方法将全息图平面的纯位相信息加载到空间光调制器上来重建三维漫射体,而没有引入参考光波。
A kind of three-phase reference sine wave signal generator based on DSP digital oscillator is designed. 提出一种基于DSP数字振荡器产生三相基准正弦波信号的设计方法。
Multiple off-axis holograms are obtained by rotating the linear polarization state of both illumination and reference wave simultaneously. 利用同步旋转线偏振的照明光和参考光的偏振方向,获得多幅离轴全息图。
Since a normal incidence plane wave is used as the reference wave, the difficulty and complexity of phase aberration and phase unwrapping of DHM are remarkably decreased. 使用垂直于像平面的平面光为参考光,降低了数字全息显微术中相位补偿和解包的难度和复杂性。
Synthetic Aperture Digital Holography and Multiple Reference Wave Synthetic Aperture Digital Holography 合成孔径数字全息的分析模拟及多参考光合成孔径数字全息
In the design of its controller, through adjusting the angle offset of sinusoidal reference wave, the voltage of DC capacitor remains constant. 控制回路设计中通过对正弦参考波相角偏移量的控制使直流电容电压保持恒定。
Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Digital Hologram under Spherical Reference light Wave And its Application 球面参考光数字全息图的频谱分析及应用
Optical hologram is the interference pattern formed by the object wave and the reference wave superimposition and recorded in the mediums. 光学全息图是直接用光学干涉法在记录介质上记录物光波和参考光波叠加后形成的干涉图样。
The serious recording limitations due to the finite size and resolution of CCD are discussed detailedly. It's shown that the setup for recording hologram with spherical reference wave can make full use of the spatial bandwidth of CCD. 着重讨论了CCD参数对记录条件的限制,给出了数字全息术所能记录的物体的最大尺寸与记录距离之间的关系,指出用球面参考光波记录全息图可以更为有效地利用CCD的有限带宽。
Owing to the spectrum coefficient with negative and positive real, recording of cosine transform spectrum coefficients using Fourier transform in-line digital holography is proposed. Intensity of reference wave and object wave are subtracted from the Fourier transform in-line digital hologram to obtain the cosine transform coefficients. 由于余弦变换谱系数既有正实数又有负实数,提出了采用傅里叶变换同轴数字全息方法记录余弦变换谱系数,通过把数字全息图减去参考光光强和物光光强而得到余弦变换系数。
Using Green function theory, the paper analyzed the physical meaning of inverse scattering sequence, pointed out the wave process of inverse scattering sequence propagating to receiver points in reference medium after describing wave action on scattering points in scattering region. 文中利用格林函数理论,分析了逆散射序列的物理意义,指出逆散射序列描述了在散射区域内波与散射点作用后,在参考介质中传播到接收点的波动过程。
The developed software in this paper simulates the PWM wave with specific carrier and reference wave. We analyze harmonic component under the condition of different carrier ratios and modulation depth in order to select an ideal PWM wave. names of people and places; 对特定的载波和参考波进行的PWM波形调制和仿真,分析了在不同的输入载波比和调制比的情况下,PWM波形的谐波含量,从而可以选出比较理想的PWM波形。
Fringes are formed when the optical difference ( OPD) between a reference wave front and a test wave front based on the interference of light is an integral multiple of the illuminating wavelength. 测试中,当测试波前相对于参考波前的光程差是照明波长的整数倍时形成干涉条纹,由此而形成的二维图就是干涉图像。
The spatial frequency of the digital hologram is analyzed with plane reference wave, and the separation conditions of its spatial spectrums are derived by ranking the spatial frequency in the CCD frequency domain. 对平面参考光数字全息的空间频谱进行分析,得出使空间频谱分离的条件;
High-Accuracy Digital Three-Phase Reference Sine Wave Signal Generator Based on FPGA 基于FPGA的高精度数字式三相基准正弦信号发生器的设计与实现
Proceed form the basis of the theory of Fresnel plane hologram, the condition and the number of the non-aberration images are investigated, and it is proposed in the concrete that there are four non-aberration reconstructed image gotted by Fresnel hologram with a spherical reference wave. 从平面全息图基本理论出发,讨论了无像差像存在的条件及个数并具体指出球面参考光形成的菲涅耳全息图可有四个无像差再现像。
This new technique includes three lasers as light source, a PZT phase shifter which can push reference plane to change optical path of reference light. A large shearing Wollaston prism is placed in front of CCD camera to make interference between object wave and reference wave. 该技术的特点是用三个激光器作为光源,一个压电陶瓷相移器产生参考光并实现相移,CCD摄像机前放置大错位剪切镜以使物光和参考光产生干涉。
A real time holographic testing method of transparent objects by using the interference pattern formed by the reconstruction of the reference wave and the original reference wave is introduced. 介绍了实时全息术检测透明物的一种新方法,它采用物光再现的参考光和参考光通过全息图的直透光所形成的干涉图纹检测透明物体的变化。
A kind of high-accuracy digital three-phase reference sine wave signal generator is designed by using digital method with phase-shifting technology. 提出了一种采用数字合成与数字移相技术设计高精度数字式三相基准正弦波信号发生器的方法。
The digital-watermark image to be hidden was phase modulated in a random wise in order to form the object wave. The Fourier transform of the object wave was interfered with the reference wave to form the Fourier-transformed digital hologram. 水印图像经随机相位调制形成物光波,该物光波的傅里叶变换与参考光波发生干涉,形成傅里叶变换全息图。
Storage Properties of Volume Holography with Speckle Encoded Reference wave 散斑体全息存储的存储特性
A new full-digtal integrated three-phase ultralow frequency reference wave apparatus 一种新型的全数字集成化三相正弦超低频基准波发生器
Analysis of the Spatial Spectrum and Recording Capability of the Digital Holography with Plane Reference Wave 平面参考光数字全息的频谱和记录能力分析
On the basis of the separation conditions of the spatial frequency, the records and reconstructions of digital holography are simulated under the off-line and in-line optical setups with spherical and plane reference wave respectively. 其次,以频谱分离条件为基础,分析了各种不同光路设置下的重建算法并进行了详细的计算机模拟和研究。
Analysis of the Characteristics about the Digital Holography of the Spherical Reference Wave 球面参考光波数字全息的一些特点分析及实验
The theoretic analysis and experimental results show: Compared with the digital holography of the plane reference wave, it is easier for the digital holography of the spherical reference wave to fulfill the requirements recording sampling and reconstructing separation meanwhile, to record more object information. 结果表明:数字全息术中采用球面参考光波可以比采用平面参考光波更容易满足采样和分离条件,并可以记录到更多的物体信息;
It gives the flow charts of main program, the AD sampling, generate reference sine wave, the timer interrupt of the SPWM and does related experiments. 在软件方面,给出了主程序、AD采样、产生基准正弦波、定时器中断产生SPWM的软件流程图,并进行相关的实验。
It is indicated that the depth of focus of the digital holographic imaging system is not only related with the numerical aperture and the reference wavelength, but also related with the configuration and the offset of reference wave. 指出了数字全息成像系统的焦深不仅与记录时的数值孔径及参考光波长有关,还与具体的光路结构及参考光的偏置有关。